Jan 23, 2025 | burnout, career, creativity, mental health, writing
It happens to all of us at some point. Your creative train is merrily chugging away and you, the engineer in the driver’s seat, are enjoying the beautiful mountain vistas. The train takes care of itself; it’s on a kind of autopilot at this point in your life. You take...
Apr 24, 2020 | creativity, quarantine, writing
Now that we’re almost to the point where some states–mine included–are beginning to reopen services (ahem, no comment), I feel more equipped to speak about creating while the entire world has gone completely stark raving mad. Let me preface this,...
Feb 25, 2020 | career, of curses and kisses, writing
I am now the published author of FOUR whole novels, to be FIVE later this year. Exclamation points! Happiness! Excitement! Gratitude! Wonder! Those are all the feelings erupting in my brain, in case you were wondering. But “exclamation points” isn’t...
May 23, 2019 | there's something about sweetie, writing
Welcome to my annual blog post! 🙂 I was reading an article the other day that said writers with three or more books published are considered “mid-career” authors. They’ve established they’re not flash-in-the-pan, one-hit wonders, but rather...
Mar 27, 2018 | from twinkle with love, revisions, rewriting, second book syndrome, writing
Hello, friends! Today I’m going to tell you a very interesting story. It is the story about an author who had some success with her first book and was then tasked with writing her second book. And suddenly, this author completely forgot how to word. She looked...
Jun 10, 2017 | new york times list, when dimple met rishi, writing
A dazzling place I never knew! Oh, hi. Thanks for stopping by to check out this, MY VERY FIRST BLOG POST. Yippee! Confetti! Balloons! Here’s a secret: I’m not the super best at keeping up with blogs. But sometimes I like to have a place to put my...